So how is winning a chili cook off like competitive advantage and standing out in your business?

Here’s a little story that happened just a few days ago literally. Every year our church has a chili cook off and my son and I have been doing a fun father son thing. He’s 13 now but about three years ago we started picking a recipe out online and we would go shopping for the ingredients and we would fix a pot of chili and three years ago we won and it’s pretty awesome to see your chili be selected as the winner. So last year we did the same thing. Got a recipe we stuck with the same one because we thought Yep it’s a winner and we went and we didn’t win…. the one chili recipe that did win last year was a very unique one and it was I believe if I remember correctly elk chili, elk meat but really sweet it was like a sugary sweet tasting chili.

And I personally don’t like that type of chili. I like a good hot bowl of chili. Well last year this guy that made this bowl of chili won. And we asked the judges how come that bowl won and they said well it just really was different it really stood out to us. So, we started thinking and our wheels started turning, right. And so just a couple of weeks ago we were like OK let’s get this chili recipe and go back to the one that we used before…. But this time we’re going to make ours stand out!

So, this was last week and we went to the grocery store and did our shopping. And have you ever heard of these little peppers called habanero peppers? So, here’s a little side note if you ever want to make a good pot of chili…. don’t put six of them in there. And further if you do put six habanero peppers in your pot of chili …. don’t leave the seeds in! So, we decided to put six habanero peppers in our pot of chili….and we left the seeds in.  If you remember back in when you’re growing up watching the Looney Tunes and when someone you know ate something hot and you know the smoke comes out of their ears…. that’s what it tasted like.

And so, we’re Googling around you know how to tone down hot chili and make it not as hot. And my wife was at the store so when she came back she told us you know how to get it toned down a little bit and we got it down to where it was like “five alarm” chili because before it was like 12 alarm! So anyway, we took the chili and we entered it and we won!

So, here’s the takeaway lesson. We won this year because it was super-hot. So, we won that chili cook off because ours was hot. So back to business. How can you in your business explain very clearly (because remember a confused mind doesn’t buy) So if you start going all over the place and explaining your business to someone in your target audience and you’re jumping all around they’re not going to understand it right. So that’s something just to keep in mind. But what if you had a really strong unique different competitive advantage?

I taught a marketing workshop just last night and a competitive advantage is not “having good customer service”. Now…. if it’s extreme over the top customer service- now you’re talking. Right? Because that’s something memorable that something worthy of being remarked about as Seth Godin would say in his writings-you know being remarkable.

So how can we in our business describe and have things in our messaging that let’s our target audience know that we are different and we stand out?

You just need to be unique and really clear and concise. So, with that thought in mind let’s make sure that our business messaging and our deliverables illustrate and communicate our competitive advantage so clearly and makes that stand out so clearly to our target audience that we become the obvious choice. So, think about it in your business. What do you do that doesn’t communicate your strong unique competitive advantage to your target audience? Work on this, work on the messaging get some friends of yours some non-business friends to look at your messaging or your web site and explain to you what you do because if they don’t get it or they explain the wrong thing to you then you need to work on a little bit more. Work on your competitive advantage, have it be something that stands out in a unique way a strong way that meets the problems and the needs of your target audience so that you’re seen as the obvious choice as the solution that they’ve been looking for.

So if you would like to see how that would look like in your business I’d encourage you to take a look at my Authority Audit service because it’s a package where I get on the phone with you for 30 minutes and we go through some strategies and I put together a scorecard for you to see what you’re currently doing in your authority positioning in your messaging to look at your competitive advantage and give you a blueprint a checklist of some things you can be doing to develop powerful strong Authority Positioning Assets™ so that you’re seen as the obvious choice so take a look at the link right below this video and there’s anything I can do to help you please let me know because remember Building Your Authority is Your #1 Priority™