*As a BCA Financial Professional, you MUST stand out from your competitors to convert prospects and fill your seminars!
==>Now You Can Attract New Clients With TV & Podcast Interviews Without Paying $33,500 to a PR Firm!
(Discount expires 24 hours after you click the “Invest Now” graphic below to checkout)

Below Are My TV Interviews
Below Are Video Reviews From Some Advisor Clients
==>NOTE: Authority Positioning does not guarantee results. Make sure you confirm any compliance requirements you must follow and let me know so that we comply with what is needed. I have seen requirements range from just having the PR draft reviewed/approved all the way to having the audio from the podcast interview submitted before it goes live to get approval.
As featured on does not indicate that you are affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the media outlets referenced-Producer is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the media outlets referenced.