Seeing my father lose our family home to foreclosure when I was 12 yrs. old and moving into my grandparents basement apartment, I slept in the workshop right next to the lathe and workbench, it made me realize how important financial matters were. Fast forward 15 years and I found myself after 5 years in my 1st job out of college sitting in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy attorney’s office upside down on loans and $35,000 in credit card debt….but while filling out the intake form, I just couldn’t finish. I left, feeling driven to make a change and after diligently focusing on specific success and Biblical principles, I was blessed to become debt free in just a few short years of applying them. As a born-again Christian I run my business with the highest ethical standards, Click here to read my personal testimony.
I spent 11 years in the mortgage banking industry and CRUSHED IT! As a matter of fact, I achieved many awards and trips and even was the #1 Producer in the entire country 2 years in a row for JP Morgan Chase. But then…the “Credit Crisis” hit our economy in October 2007, and my income dropped bad… not just trickled down….DISAPPEARED! It became clear to me that business would never be the same and I decided to get my MBA in Marketing to re-design my life and career. I had to rebuild myself to “rise from the ashes.
My family and I LOVE roller coasters! Our favorite is the Manta at Sea World California….yes it’s cool with speed, twists and turns, but you know why I love it most? My son, Layne, was scared…white-knuckle scared…but he decided to move past fear and do it again, he LOVED it and we all rode 5 more times! My entrepreneurial journey is like the Manta experience, ups/downs/fear. Early on, I made the mistake of being all things to all people and dabbled at social media management, mobile marketing, SEO, email marketing….etc. I even tried joining the local chamber of commerce and leads groups, but that just plain stunk. Then one day I was at a meeting with some colleagues and it was just when my 1st book came out and I handed them out. They were SUPER impressed. The following week one of them who is a professor at a local University asked me to come in to guest-lecture about Business Social Media and just a few weeks after that presentation I received a $9,000 contract to teach for them! This never would have happened without the book.
It’s because of this that I re-focused my entire marketing agency to STOP all of the miscellaneous, random services and JUST specialize on Authority Positioning. Now, I am the author of Amazon Bestselling book, Authority Selling™, contributor to The Huffington Post and Adjunct Marketing Professor at several Universities and member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business and Career Coaches. As the Authority Positioning Coach, I help entrepreneurs break out of obscurity by amplifying their hidden expertise to a position of prestige to be seen as the go-to Authority & Expert in their industry. My Authority Positioning Suite helps the become an Amazon bestselling author without writing a word. Through the process, they have 7-10 Authority Positioning Assets™ built for their brand that serve as a long-term digital footprint for their target audience to discover. This works to pre-sell them before they even connect.
I am not the cheapest firm around. My packages are high-priced because I am a “Boutique Agency” providing “done-for-you” authority positioning packages. I do not take on dozens of clients a month because I deliver a high-touch Concierge service to my clients with spectacular results!
*NOTE* Before you discount my previous statement as “too expensive”, consider this:
- Can you take your business to the next level without making a change to your marketing?
- How much money are you currently wasting on marketing that doesn’t work?
- How many marketing courses have you bought but never finished trying to do-it-yourself?
- How is the constant hustle & grind wearing you down?
- What do you want your business to look like next year?
These are expensive and costing you money!